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Old 2011-05-07, 16:53   Link #12
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 34
People are fansubbing because they like it I suppose
If you wouldn't like it you basicly wouldn't bother

Hanging out with the people on irc is no longer a real reason
Most channels on irc are dead anyway

If you're looking for a forum to discuss anime, animesuki isn't really the first place that comes to mind either

I think people just loose interest in fansubbing because it isn't really worthwhile
Definitely not with all the speed subs. These days speed > quality

Fans tend to watch those speed subs
And not everyone that watches anime knows what fansubbing is

Smaller groups that make real quality subs don't get popular anymore

So yeah pick a reason...

The reason I'm still fansubbing is because I like it
I'd love to be a translator (profession) one day myself
My love for anime is a big help as well
And just creating something permanent by putting your heart into it
Even though there is no big reward
I just like the compliments of the small amount of fans we have
Anime ga Daisuki!
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