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Old 2011-04-29, 15:09   Link #27
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Utah
Age: 54
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Originally Posted by BashZeStampeedo View Post
The funny thing, this is that kind of anime. You can enjoy it on many levels.. I enjoy it most for what is NOT being said, but implied. Others are happy enough with just what's being presented up-front. Still others enjoy it because it's full of little details you might not notice if you aren't paying attention.

It's not just a simple, straightforward romance or action story, just there for a superficial kick. But neither is it trying to make you feel a particular way or preach something like it's trying to be profound. It's just there for you to figure out on your own time, and enjoy as you see fit.
Well said, I appreciate the response. I was attempting to say something like that.
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