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Old 2011-04-24, 14:10   Link #74
Join Date: Apr 2010
Hi, I'm back with more fan witches that need names. xD; Okay, so it's only one this time... looks like another KH character became a Puella Magi and went off the deep end... -w-

The stained glass witch. She has a "knight templar"-type personality. She continually devotes herself to destroying all the darkness of the world. Anyone with darkness in their heart who attempts to enter her barrier will be destroyed on-sight, but the pure hearted may stay. In fact, it could be said she desires their company.

The witch herself is a shifting creature made of stained glass; the lead lines between panes become her "outline." She can take on whatever shape she desires, but she prefers that of a humanoid. Sometimes, pictures like memories flash across the panes that make up her body.

When you enter this witch's barrier, it may, like most barriers, have pieces of scenery from the outside world. But everything will be brighter. There will be stained glass everywhere. The pathways will become stained glass, and soon the only solid footing will be round, stained glass towers against pure whiteness. Remember that the witch can strike from anywhere here.

I don't have any ideas for the witch's familiars yet, but I'm thinking something like little living throwing stars that can liquify themselves (actually, y'know what? That's perfect. I'll go with that).

Yeah, I need names. Especially names for the familiars. xD;
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