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Old 2011-03-23, 00:51   Link #94
The One Eyed King
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lurking Up Ahead
Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou View Post
You're a Lucy/Loke fan, aren't you?
Did you look at my last few posts... there was a ton of Lucy/Natsu stuff there (and I was debating posting a few Lucy/Gray pics too, there's not many of them but they do exist ). In fact, I'd slightly prefer to see a Lucy/Natsu paring, if it ever happens , over Loki/Lucy. I simply saw the 12 random Loki/Lucy pics and recalled I had a folder of pics that where Loki/Lucy that I didn't post yet. Yes, I organize my pic very well by characters Lets just say it's like looking at an organized sock drawer (with the exception that I download pics into a main folder to be divided later, to streamline my time surfing for more pics )

Though at the end of the day I'm more of a Lucy fan than any paring fan involving her. I just really prefer her being a total fool when it comes to love... and just about everything else. I believe Loki is into Aries anyways and his "Love" for Lucy is just him either mixing up his playboy nature and his love of a great master vs previous ones he's likely had or him just playfully teasing Lucy cause it's in his nature to flatter cute girls (can never decide which). Though I have no problem with Loki teasing, deliberately or not, her emotionally for the sake of comic relief.
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