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Old 2011-02-13, 22:25   Link #70
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Just watched ep1, and Gokaiger surpassed expectations. Some thoughts and speculation:

1) For some reason, the 34 previous teams sacrificed their powers to destroy the enemy fleet instead of call out their mecha.

2) The Gokaigers start out with all of the ranger keys, so unlike Decade they will not be getting them one at a time. Where did the keys come from? Is it possible that they somehow were created from the powers the 34 previous teams sacrificed?

3) The robot parrot Navi is voiced by Yukari Tamura. It seems the last sentai she had been in was way back in Abaranger, but I don't know for what role.

4) Oiles Gil (voiced by Hirofumi Nojima, who previously voiced Cobraja from Heartcatch Precure) is the son of the Zangyak emperor, and is apparently a spoiled arrogant aristocrat. Damaras is obviously more composed and competent, and I will not be surprised if there is conflict or betrayal between these two.

5) Emperor Zangyak has not appeared yet. I guess he is either the final boss, or will get killed halfway through and Oiles Gil will ascend to the throne.

6) Excellent recreations of the Goranger suits, right down to the rounder oversized helmets and pinhole visors. That is, I'm assuming those are replicas, because there's no way 35-year-old costumes would be in such good condition. It's also nice that fighting style changed when they switched powers.

7) Yes, Captain Marvelous lives up to his name.
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