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Old 2011-01-26, 10:12   Link #5
Excessively jovial fellow
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: ISDB-T
Age: 37
Originally Posted by False Dawn View Post
Let's face it, no fansubbers really use it any more and anything that does appear that might draw out some fansubbers into discussion gets locked or deleted before it has any time to flourish into anything worthwhile.
What? This subforum is by far the least moderated and most troll-friendly one on asuki; you can basically shitpost as much as you want to in here these days. There are multiple posts made in the last few months that basically amount to "get out and stop posting", with no reaction from the mods. If you had done that in 2005 (or, hell, even in 2008) you'd have gotten xris'd within a few hours. If you do it in any of the other subforums (particularly the anime ones) today, you also get smacked within a few hours. You have to resort to subtle passive-aggressive posts or odd places that nobody looks at very closely (like thread tags or negreps) if you want to get anything done around those parts.

Note that I don't think the lack of moderation is a bad thing. Since there's no real technical challenge to fansubbing anymore (all tools are easy to find, well documented and easy to use) basically the only interesting thing left to do around here is for fansubbers to troll each other and say nasty things to the poor newbie fools who think it's a good idea to get into fansubbing (discouraging them from fansubbing is for their own good and should not be hampered by things like moderation). Oh, and the desperate and datelessclassifieds thread, I guess.

Then again, everyone who is still actively fansubbing seems to be either a) old bitter trolls, or b) literally twelve years old, and the old bitter trolls only talk to each other and the twelve-year-olds only hurf a durf on 4chan and IRC, there's not really anybody around here to troll anymore, except the occasional stupid newbie. So the problem isn't really the moderation, it's that nobody is posting.

Originally Posted by False Dawn View Post
To illustrate my point, the topic started by Kokujin-kun was a topic about fansub groups (well, CR and rippers) which is exactly what the forum description says this forum is about. So why has it been locked on two separate occasions?
because it was (and is) a dumb fucking thread
it wasn't even trollable in a funny way, and what is the point of a thread that is so boring and so dumb that you can't even troll it?
| ffmpegsource
17:43:13 <~deculture> Also, TheFluff, you are so fucking slowpoke.jpg that people think we dropped the DVD's.
17:43:16 <~deculture> nice job, fag!

01:04:41 < Plorkyeran> it was annoying to typeset so it should be annoying to read
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