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Old 2011-01-26, 09:37   Link #4
…Nothing More
Join Date: Mar 2003
Age: 44
Originally Posted by False Dawn View Post
Let's face it, no fansubbers really use it any more and anything that does appear that might draw out some fansubbers into discussion gets locked or deleted before it has any time to flourish into anything worthwhile.
Our intention isn't to stifle discussion that will flourish into something worthwhile. If we close or delete something it is because we think it will do the exact opposite. Doesn't mean we're always correct in this belief. We're not perfect; if you strongly disagree and can justify why you disagree, your opinion will be heard, preferably in private but the feed back forum is also set aside for this purpose.
Originally Posted by False Dawn View Post
So, what is the point of this forum? I call on the Animesuki mods to just delete it and have done with it, instead of choking and strangling everything and everyone that sets foot in it.
The point hasn't changed, but if the community no longer finds it useful they're completely at liberty to not use it.
Originally Posted by False Dawn View Post
It may surprise the Animesuki mods but fansubbing does involve clashes and conflict and exchanges of ideas - none of which can be aired in here. So why have a fansubbers forum if you're not going to embrace the fansubbers?
It doesn't surprise me. Robust disagreement is fine provided it is civil and within the bounds of our rules. I can't answer your question. I guess I'm just not seeing the current state from the same perspective you are. Admittedly I don't watch this forum very closely, so if I'm missing something feel free to enlighten me. Perhaps that is part of the problem. The parts of the forum that have the most "problems" (however you wish to interpret that) are those that have least staff investment. I've seen it many time in the series specific forums. When we don't have an active representatives on the staff or closely connected to the staff, it is inevitable that we end up some what removed / detached. Best way to work with this is to drop us a note.
Originally Posted by False Dawn View Post
To illustrate my point, the topic started by Kokujin-kun was a topic about fansub groups (well, CR and rippers) which is exactly what the forum description says this forum is about. So why has it been locked on two separate occasions?
I don't know about the earlier occasion, I'd have to look into it, but the most recent thread was closed because I misread the situation from the responses and drew, perhaps hasty, conclusions. I wanted to avoid more retorts and figured that Quarkboy's post was probably a good place to cut it. Mea culpa. Illustration noted.

As if to make your point even stronger Quarkboy even decided that his post was wrong in the context and needed to be deleted.
Originally Posted by Quarkboy View Post
At this point it is nothing more than a increasingly outdated monument to a legacy.
It's testament to the changed nature of what is called fansubbing today.
So it does still serve a purpose then ...
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