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Old 2011-01-26, 08:09   Link #1
False Dawn
Florsheim Monster
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: UK
Let's face it, no fansubbers really use it any more and anything that does appear that might draw out some fansubbers into discussion gets locked or deleted before it has any time to flourish into anything worthwhile. So, what is the point of this forum? I call on the Animesuki mods to just delete it and have done with it, instead of choking and strangling everything and everyone that sets foot in it.

It may surprise the Animesuki mods but fansubbing does involve clashes and conflict and exchanges of ideas - none of which can be aired in here. So why have a fansubbers forum if you're not going to embrace the fansubbers?

To illustrate my point, the topic started by Kokujin-kun was a topic about fansub groups (well, CR and rippers) which is exactly what the forum description says this forum is about. So why has it been locked on two separate occasions?

Last edited by NightWish; 2011-01-26 at 09:04. Reason: successive posts merged
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