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Old 2010-12-05, 03:48   Link #29
tantei okuoku
Mystery Otaku
Join Date: Dec 2008
something that find is that a lot of times for kindaichi shonen no jikembo, I get japanese native translators who want to work on the show (it is a classic 148 episode mystery series from the 90s). so you might want to try and target native japanese speakers, who want to improve their english. note more editing is generally needed for them, however they can get you scripts that are very accurate, you just have to edit them more and be more heavy on the editing (Also please remember you should give translation test to all new translators). also a lot of times they will be a lot more familiar with the material then almost any american fan (ex Kindaichi or doremon). so if you can post on japanese forms I would highly recommend trying that, you might get lucky.
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