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Old 2010-11-30, 10:58   Link #37
Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Shouta View Post
Studying and learning Japanese using anime is far better by ear than it is using captions. Better trains your ear to catch words and it'll give you a hook to remember vocabulary.

Fansubbing has been around for ages without closed captions so not having them is no big deal. It certainly helps get something out without as much trouble. There's a lot of anime out there with VA that pronounce words very badly or can't be heard because of poor sound mix and the like.
umm... you can talk about as much as you want about fansubbing + captions but don't talk language learning and captions when you aren't learning Japanese. I'm assuming you're a translator because you know Japanese and not because you learned it via classes and all that.. but i wouldn't know.

"Studying and learning Japanese using anime is far better by ear than it is using captions. " I don't agree with this... whatsoever.

It's just really pointless bringing language-learning into this discussion when you yourself aren't learning the language... You obviously wouldn't understand..........
10,000 hours building listening comprehension... In other words people who are learning Japanese obviously hadn't had ridiculously large amounts of listening hours compared to someone who is Japanese/raised in aJapaese family and thus does not have as a strong a ear for catching Japanese. So I say I love J-subs as a learner of Japanese. It's really extremely helpful because 9 times out of 10 I have no problem understanding the lines, I just can't catch everything by ear. by all means this will be fixed with additional hours of listening but needlessly to say I'm not at 10,000 hours yet

There's nothing wrong with J-subs...
like what the hell is this... Better trains your ear to catch words and it'll give you a hook to remember vocabulary.
If I watch something without j-subs and try to type out what I think I heard and basically look up all the combinations (because I'm not sure what I'm hearing) in the dictionary it's going to take some time and find out what it means (and no it does not guarantee me remembering the definition or the word) and sometimes I reach a dead end or I'm not sure which it is (of the possible combinations) . It's all because of my listening hours/listening comprehension.
VS. have the j-subs,see that the word is _ which results with me saying oh I know what that means why didn't I hear it/make that connection OR I don't even have to look it up cause I know the kanjis that make that word up. It saves so much time and frustration plus I can put it in to ANKI without any worries.

Oh and you can make fun of AJATT all you want..... I blew it off at first but damn that shit really works.
the japanese-language learning type forum that's helped me...,

Last edited by xxanimefan4_ever; 2010-11-30 at 11:11.
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