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Old 2010-11-28, 13:29   Link #39
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Ichigo's fights > Natsu's
Not much of an argument...Ichigo fights battles that have little to nothing to do with him, once he saved Orihime he could have simply laid back and let gotei 13 handle their war (after all, it wasn't Ichigo's war).
the world and guild doesn't revolve around him.
Lucy came to Magnolia in search of Fairy Tail because she had read Natsu's feats in the sorcerer magazine. He saved Macao from the vulcan, he defeated Luxus and Gazille - this much is heavily related to guild matters, not to mention...
Spoiler for manga spoilers ahead:
He has always been there when anything big happened, so yea I'd say the guild revolves around Natsu, and a big part of Fairy Tail's world is the guild itself.
Whats the difference.
Fighting people is always more dramatic than fighting monsters, there's a background to be layed out and emotional conflict at hand. Monsters are most of the time just beasts waiting to be defeated by superhero A.
For good reason, her life basically sucked and everyone she ever loved betrayed her.
I won't compare being wanted and slave work in a tower because it's not the point, but it still doesn't change the fact that Robin's character was as emo as they get when her arc was building up.
her character is much more written out better than Erza's.
I beg to differ. After her arc, she took a backseat once again. Hell, all of the strawhats did. Erza has at least one moment of awesome in every arc there is.
Yet like Robin, she's a total tool to Gerald and the Magic Guild, and is seeking a way out with Natsu.
She tried to kill herself and take him down with her, just because she had a moment of weakness (or humanity, one might say) doesn't make her a "total tool", and what Magic Guild are you talking about?
Natsu based off him in every way. The original dumb nice guy fighter. Also Natsu rips off his Kaioken and Kamehameha.
Natsu uses fire magic, not ki attacks like a certain four-tailed fox demon...I won't repeat myself as to why Natsu is simply worlds apart from Goku's stereotyped build.
Natsu's design and clothes looks exactly identical
Natsu doesn't have a straw hat, a scar under his eye, he isn't skinny, he has pink hair and squinty eyes, he wears long pants and a muffler. They are not identical, let alone 'exactly'...they're not even alike.
He lost to Erza and Shanks err I mean Gildartz.
Natsu and Erza's fight was interrupted by the council messenger, as for his other fight...
Spoiler for manga spoilers yet again:

He also took a whole world against him -personally- and became 'evil' in order to save another friend.
Luffy and Naruto already made self sacrafices to save friends by doing things out of character or almost dying.
I believe you should give examples when trying to make an argument...I don't remember Naruto ever sacrificing anything at all. Minato saved him from death recently, he lost Sasuke after a desperate fight, he lost to Orochimaru by losing conciousness, I can really go on forever.
Oda has touched your point with Luffy's actions, but that is what defines Luffy as a character, while Natsu hasn't had so much in-depth development yet, but in his defence, Luffy's got an extra decade on his back.
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D'oh! Never mind, we're covering what we can, gotta keep the forum active Well, if the next post doesn't have actual arguments, might as well not answer a third time.
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