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Old 2010-11-26, 21:18   Link #32
Che! Che! Che!
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Brazil
Age: 34
I have to say I have to agree. Unless you're using it as practice, while taking real classes or some other form of real training, it won't really get you very far in terms of a being a good tler.
I don't really care about what that guy thinks or does, but it strikes me as obvious he'd be using them as practice. it's the one real use captions have for this sort of stuff.

Although, to be quite honest, I'll never understand why more people don't play eroge for stuff like that. You've got stories for pretty much everyone and it's a fantastic medium -- text, audio and even easily found applications to hook text and run them into dictionaries in case you ever get confused about the meaning of some word(s). It's got everything. Really.

As for the situation at hand itself, who cares. Aside from the whole learning Japanese thing, which, honestly, should be a minority, fansubbing will still go on existing. And we'll be safe from babelfish stuff. That was just annoying, really.
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