Thread: Instrumentals
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Old 2010-11-16, 13:47   Link #21
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Ontario, CA
Age: 34
Name is Ronald Jenkees
~EPIC keyboarder!
~MUST watch his other keyboarding songs/videos, he's awesome!
~I think his name AND the way he dresses is just how he wants to be seen on youtube, I don't actually believe he does that stuff in real life nor has that voice haha
~I'd post more videos but he has a lot and they are all good!

Here's his youtube channel:

Disorganized Fun:

~this has been my favorite song when it first came out 2 years ago and still is, but his recent new ones are awesome too
~this video is 2 years old, I couldn't find a video of a recent Disorganized Fun song so bear with the "crappy" quality.
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