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Old 2010-11-13, 16:13   Link #7
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
Lucy might end up with the title of 'Master of Fairy Tail' when it's all said and done?
Most likely, at least in my book...the manga started with her joining the guild, might as well end with her at the very top.
Mirajane should have it, she practically runs the guild as is.
This is my close second, but I think she's better as a guild mod rather than admin Gildartz is usually away, so he doesn't fit to be leader unless he decides to stick around for a long time, Natsu is out of the question (mainly because I think he will someday turn into a dragon...can you imagine a guild with a dragon master? ). As to why I'd think that...well, that's a story for another day~
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