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Old 2010-10-27, 23:33   Link #81
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Air-to-air does imply atmospheric combat, but they may have never updated the terminology AA just got left as an anachronism. At the very least the aircraft (sigh) carrier was probably in space. Of course that also implies it has a very accurate fold system, and obviously someone had to spot the Carrier to put a coordinate set on it, not that this was probably an issue in the simulation. Still pretty nifty. I wonder where they get all this info... I do like the VF-25, but I still hesitate at its reliance on a pack, and until the Hybrid pack its lack of anything that was fast and usable in an atmosphere, which left it with very little in the way of ammunition when put in an atmosphere. But yeah, Hybrid seems to fix that. I wonder how many missiles Hybrid adds.

I didn't see any hardpoint mounted missiles on Gilliam's fighter, but it stands to reason it would still have an internal missile bay like the VF-19 and VF-22 had, though with its slimmer profile I suspect it's not as large, maybe two bays in the legs with 12 micro-missiles each. Enough to give it something, or to mount mission-specific packages without using external hardpoints.

Anyway, onto the coilgun (shouldn't that be hybrid coilgun?), I'd have to say a 120mm is probably overkill, possibly ill-suited as the Vajra armor is no joke and you'll want penetration. In fact, given it's a stealth assist, you probably want -excessive- penetration so the round will go straight through the Vajra, limiting the amount of kinetic energy absorbed by the body and making it less apparent that someone is actually shooting them, otherwise NUNS is going to see Vajra getting kicked around like they were humans hit by a .44 Magnum and start realizing that someone is shooting them. Meanwhile a bullet that just tears straight through one might be less obvious, and less likely to leave a bullet lodged in a carcass that might be traced back to you, but that's just my thinking on that and I may be crazy.

So yeah, my suggestion would be a much smaller round for higher penetration, plus the coilgun should be able to zip a smaller round out at higher muzzle velocity, which equates to more bullet speed and therefore a greater attack range for your snipers, and a greater attack range means further from NUNS and should reduce the probability of detection. Just gotta be careful that you don't hit someone behind the target, but they sound elite enough to handle that. You might have to be more accurate with placement though to get a kill, maybe target their internally produced missiles (Vajra do sometimes explode when shot at), or other vital areas (fortunately the big vital area, their stomach, is also the center of mass). Still, Vajra are biological anyway, any shot that goes through their armor will inflict injury and pain, enough of which seems to temporarily stun a Vajra (or maybe that's just when their head explodes).

On the spotter, pretty much yeah, two-man teams, one spots while the other moves ahead. Both have rifles of course.

Might consider a flash suppressor too since it's a hybrid. You are in space though, so there's technically no air to actually feed the fire and it may be unnecessary, I can't confirm that though.
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