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Old 2010-08-17, 11:53   Link #51
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Slovakia
Hello, my 1st post here

(SPOILERS ahead)

just finished watching the series yestrday and I couldn't sleep whole night as the events were bugging in my head ... First time I saw it was like 5years ago and I remember I cried as hell back then last 3 episodes ... even now I could not resist shedding a tear ... I've read most post here, but there are still couple of things I would like to discuss and ask though

First of all I would like to ask you for reccomodation of other similiar anime. I mean something that is sooooo sad and at the same time so beautiful that I can barely express it in words ... so many episodes were so beautiful - the christmas one with Azmaria- it made me feel so warm in heart, Festival episode - whole episode was beautiful and last part with Chrno and Rosette with fireworks behind them (cliche, but beautiful!). It was totally beautiful, but next thing what came was such sadness - it could so easily change from happiness to sadness ( i loved that! ). 4 years was Rosette looking for her brother and when she finds him, he is brainwashed and shoots her, but the person (or demon to be precise) she cares most gets the shot as he saves her. After that these two people who she cares most about are fighting together, destroying city and hurting other people, while she it totally helpless and can't do anything. What I am trying to say and ask you is anime, that also can turn from total hapiness and beauty to sadness just like that ...

(Final Fantasy 7 spoilers ahead)

Secondly I have noticed quite a lot of similarities with Final Fantasy 7. I think both manga CC and FF7 came around 1998 and 1997 so dunno if one got something from another and could not find many info on internet. Here are couple of things though

- Main antagonist - Aion/Sephiroth their look is quite similiar and more importantly their motives - both of them want to become gods
- Life stream - Astral line - it has been in more anime and things though, but they are the same thing in these 2 cases
- Chrno/Vincent - look + demonic power when they go loose
- Jenova's head/Pandemonium's head
- Chrono/Cloud both lost their precious loved ones(Aerith/Magdalene) from former friend, later main antagonist(Sephiroth/Aion)
- Aerith/Magdalene personality was quite similiar

Also few questions I would like to ask:
1 Why were all the sinners following Aion? I know that they had their goal and freedom etc, but they clearly must have seen that Aion is pure evil, while they all cared for something (Rizel loved Aion, Viede and Genai were friends and trusted each other and Genai gets really pissed when they kill Viede, while Aion is same stone heart as before). How could they not see that he was using them?

2 And why the hell was he also so "cool"(dunno really how to call it)? C'mon at EP23 Chrno punched him and he just flew like nothing happened, Chrno could have killed him at the moment and Aion would still remain in his "cool" status or how to call it. With this attitude of his, what would happen if Duffau would find him a little bit sooner? I mean Aion did not seem to be worried or afraid of anything, but if he did not poison Rosette's mind and Duffau would find him a lil' bit sooner, whole Aion's plan would go to waste.

3 Also at the end do you think that Chrno and Rosette were living their last days as couple or just simply best friends? Do you think that she said those words "I don't want to die", because she was in love with Chrno and finally they told it to each other and she had a brand new light in her life, that she did not want to abandon yet? Because it would make sense, as they stayed together, she did not even went to see her little brother or Azmaria and surely everybody would be happy to see her. And seeing her little brother is what she wanted last 4years, then why not go and see him if she knew she is gonna die? Anyway this ending got such emotions in me that I never though I had in me. I don't think I have seen something that beautiful on screen. Sadness and happiness at the same time, something as beautiful as the end when they were together and also Azmaria imagining them doing common stuff. I had tears in my eyes from sadness and at the same time it was soooo beautiful. Also seeing Rosette as the girl she was at the beggining, pricky and easy-going, making fun of everything, while at the end she had the gentliest face you can imagine. Face that knows that her end draws very close, yet finally she is afraid of it. I loved how her characted changed ...

took me quite some time to write it and it's pretty big for a 1st post ... I could talk about this serie nonstop now as I still have lot of feelings from it fresh. I have never read any manga, but I am probably gonna start - with Chrno Crusade ... although I've read that it's totally different, but I got to love those characters and want to see more of them ... My fauvorite anime by far, never seen anything that beautiful and sad at the same time ... please gimme some recommodation to something similiar

hope to get some reply, have a nice day!
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