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Old 2010-07-21, 18:43   Link #12
Iron Maw
Join Date: Feb 2006
More info here From Duckroll at NoeGAF:

Director: Hiroshi Minagawa
Game Design: Yasumi Matsuno
Character Design: Akihiko Yoshida, Tsubasa Masao
Music: Hitoshi Sakimoto, Masaharu Iwata

Published by Square Enix

Edit1: This is a remake of the original TO, and the new story scenarios and characters are written by Matsuno. Matsuno is personally revising the original script and in charge of all story and gameplay changes and improvements.


Here are a few points from the FF Reunion summary:

- Even though it may look like the game's visuals haven't changed much, they have been improved over the original. They're trying to keep the Super Famicom-like look of the game.

- They'd actually be proud if people would say that it's the same as the original.

- You can change the angle to view the action from above.

- The height-based play and other basic elements of the original remain in tact.

- They're adding a number of new elements for the game parts and battle parts. The battles will be greatly changed.

- The game will have a variety of new skill-based gameplay features.

- There will be new classes.

- The battle maps character count has increased from the 10 vs 10 of the original to 12 on your side vs 18 on the enemy side, for a total of 30 characters on screen.

- This is not a "Tactics Ogre Perfect Version," but a "rebuilding" of Tactics Ogre. It doesn't fit within the framework of a "remake."

- You won't be able to use your strategies from the original for the sequel.

The magazine also says that the game is being re-imagined under the basis of "If you developed and played Tactics Ogre in this day and age, it would be like this." There will be a number of new gameplay systems.

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