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Old 2010-06-27, 14:18   Link #60
Join Date: Jun 2010
Originally Posted by akigakuyuu View Post
Sanseido has a location in Mitsuwa and Sanseido carries it. they also have an option to get s subscription for 6 months and I'm becoming tempted to get one.

Middle-aged says 40+ and elderly is more, but since the pilots were all the same age...

Oh god, Hilde's become the sister and it's a rewrite of Duo's Episode Zero story. Man.

I assume if the pilots are like... say 40-45... Then Sally is/would have been about 44-51. I'd peg Kathy at 20ish? Normally I'd peg this new 'Duo' (are we going to have to make up nicknames for them like the multiple Syaorans in Tsubasa?) at about 15 normally. Haha, that'd keep consistent with the Wing ages. The kid struck me as being younger for some reason though. Which doesn't even make sense becaue we barely got a description of him. I'm just going crazy.
Ahhh, I figured it would be Mitsuwa... with no car, there's no way I can get out there ;; No public transit to the Mitsuwa. Oh well, maybe I can get a friend to drive me..

I doubt they'll repeat Duo's story XD Though Duo might be lame and do something like that, I doubt Hilde would though.

If they were 15 (the Wingkids, I shall dub them), that would be hilarious. And you know what? I bet that's what they're aiming for.... Though you're right, something about him comes off as younger. That he didn't speak, maybe? Or that Duo spoke for him. if he is younger, and this novel is a branch to a sequel, maybe they would intend for them to be 15 in the sequel. Ahhh, speculation...

On the idea of that "Duo" being just a codename and Duo's looking after the 1xR kid, though, I just suddenly got this mental image of Heero punching the shit out of Duo for growing his kid's hair out into a stupid braid while he was away >B|
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