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Old 2010-06-27, 13:41   Link #58
Join Date: Jun 2010
Originally Posted by akigakuyuu View Post
Haha, I give myself until Wednesday before I drive to Chicago to get myself a copy of the magazine.
...Where in Chicago can you buy Gundam Ace? o.o /going back there in the fall

(lol, hi, another migrant from the LJ discussion. o/)

Another one here who would really like to see some actual scans, but... Hm... I'm going with either the speculation that "Princess Aurora/Sleeping Beauty" is either Relena or that it's a 1xR daughter, but honestly we don't know enough yet to make much of a leap of faith for any of this. Either way it makes perfect sense to focus the story on the child of the main characters of the series.

Duo's kid, I'm assuming he's either masquerading as a priest and it's a 2xH baby or he really is a priest and it's an adopted orphan. Or maybe he and Hilde adopted, who knows! Either way, he's got a really lame pun going with the name. If it's Hilde's I hope she popped on the head for it :P

As for Kathy we haven't even heard her speak yet so we still can't say squat about her.... We don't even know her age. Or anyone's age. It's kinda annoying that they gave an arbitrary year without saying exactly how much time has passed ("middle aged" or "elderly" Duo could mean anywhere from 20 to 50 years, after all...)

Always knew Dorothy would take over the world.

(On the topic of the side mangas, I always considered Blind Target the only- or most- canon one because it was a radio drama... but that's just me. I also have never gotten to read BoP.)
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