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Old 2010-06-02, 15:26   Link #50
Max Stirner
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Huntsville, AL
I have mixed feelings regarding Chrno Crusade. From a technical perspective, I absolutely loved the show. The characters, backgrounds and coloring were gorgeous. Additionally, the music and voice acting were very very strong. You can tell that a lot of effort was put into making this series, which makes it worth watching in spite of the weak story. To this day, Chrno Crusade is one of the better looking anime series I have seen.

Storywise, I thought the concept was very cool, but that said concept was delivered ham-handedly. I always felt that the characters in Chrno Crusade were intentionally underdeveloped in order to showcase the series's nihlist philosophical viewpoint. To me, the fates that befell all the diferent characters were not portrayed as tragic; they were simply a result of the world one lives in. Thus, Remington stops his service to God because God seems to have or take no active role in human affairs. The spiritual domain is his kingdom.

To me, the series should have been more upfront with this view. Hints should have been dropped along the way that revealed some of what was to occur at the end. Because the show didn't really do this, I completed the show expecting an epic showdown between Rossette, Chrono and Aion and getting what felt like absolutely nothing. Overall though, a cool looking show that I am glad I purchased.
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