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Old 2010-03-18, 16:46   Link #27
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Join Date: Dec 2009
About the whole spacetime dimension order jargon: I have a question.

Dimensions are dimensions, regardless of what "axis" you choose, right? We like to envision the axii of the second dimension being at a perfect right angle, but it really isn't like that, right? In actuality, the perfect grid's we envision the dimensions to be in are actually just that way for convenient reference, right?

Anyhow, how do we know the order of dimensions again? How do we even know there's an order to them? Is it really the "third dimension, the fourth dimension", or is it just an object with 3 dimensions? What I'm saying is, how are all of the theoretical thinkers determining the order of the dimensions?

Can we "skip" dimensions by being constant in the 4th dimension but then free to dance around in the 5th axis of movement? I'm so confused how these thinkers determined the sequence of different dimensions when we can't observe them.
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