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Old 2009-12-09, 22:34   Link #85
RX-78GP04G Gerbera
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Albany
Age: 38
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Originally Posted by Nvis View Post
I was kind of when the new Argama was run by kids. Then I thought, no other series has a ship run by kids.

But I'm confused as to why Judau and Roux went to Jupiter?
Well, quite a bit of the White Base crew could be considered "kids" given several of the character's ages. And the Nahel Argama still had some "veteran" Argama crew members on board that knew what they were doing too (like Torres, Astonage and such) so they weren't ALL kids, lol.

As for Judau and Roux going to Jupiter...who knows?

I guess part of the reason could be to get away from the Earth Sphere, given Judau's witness to the greed and selfishness of the Federation (as shown with Bright's meeting of some bigwig officers) and even the AEUG at points (with how they and the Federation fleet arrived SO late that the Neo Zeon War was all but over already with Haman and Glemy's deaths). Or perhaps it could've been some Newtype calling of some sorts.
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