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Old 2009-12-06, 13:56   Link #58
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Originally Posted by GundamFan0083 View Post
Thus I am of the opinion (and I really hope I'm dead wrong on this) that we'll see a sequel to R2 with Lelouch in it rather than a new story or retelling.
I'm cynical I know, but Sunrise has done this kind of thing since the original Gundam series and it's been very profitable for them so why would they change their marketing strategy now?
I believe this has already been discussed and I'm afraid my answer will be similar...we just don't know.

Let's take a step back and admit that none of us are experts nor do we have any numbers. We're all just assuming things based on our individual perspectives and often what is "common knowledge" turns out to be false, inaccurate or incomplete when faced with a complex reality and its own surprises.

Both history and the world of business are full of popular assumptions being proved wrong from time to time.

This might not be the time nor the place for that but there's nothing saying it won't be either.

Lelouch is the single most important element, but there might be issues and factors at work that we can't even see, much less comprehend. We could end up seeing what you fear, but we might also see something different. Perhaps they might try to shift the focus from Lelouch to Zero as a symbol and work their way up from there. Or they could just make a copy of Lelouch with a different name. And we will never know if it will work or not beforehand.

All we know is that hindsight is 20/20, but what about foresight? That's not always so straightforward.
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