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Old 2009-09-28, 10:06   Link #78
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Originally Posted by Attoney View Post
I think she prompt Lawerence into this deal because it would realize his dream of becoming a town merchant. If the deal goes successfully, Lawernce will get the inn as well as a huge profit to run the the shop. And if it didn't, he will still get the inn, and with profit he got from Kumerson, he would probably still be able to run the shop, while Horo will just turn into a wolf, escape and say farewell to him. Either way, she would be able to part with lawerence on good terms. Which is why she said that she will end this tale happily.

Also, since there is a rebellion happening in the town, they will want to get out the as soon as possible. Resting in an area where people are fighting, and destorying stuff isn't a good idea. Futhermore, things will get messy and complicated once the church brings an armed force to quell the rebellion. And since Abe double crossed them and injured Lawerence in the process, Horo with all her pride, would probably want to hunt Abe and smash her head through multiple brick walls.
I agree that her motives were clearly to get away from Lawrence by making him happy enough to be willing to say goodbye. But a crappy inn in a crappy town wasn't going to do that. She herself already told him he had the money to open his own shop on his own terms (from Kumerson).

Besides, Lawrence himself confirmed that he would have been willing to part with her if it really was on good terms: "This isn't an endless journey. When the time comes for us to part, a *smiling* farewell is all I'll ask for". She couldn't have made it any more obvious that she was miserable, and she knew he was as well.

I still think this was just her being selfishly desperate. I think her last statement may have been honest; that she is worried about completely falling in love with HIM (not the other way around). She could run off without warning anytime she wants, she's already earned her keep several times over. Clearly she still wants him around, or she could have left long ago. This was a ploy to try to make HIM the one responsible for leaving HER. Why? I don't know.. pride?

As for chasing down Abe, that seemed to be "Action Horo" reasserting herself. To hell with what he wants, to hell with the fact that he's clearly injured -- our pride is at stake! Time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, etc etc. Horo at her finest.

As an aside, I honestly can't wait for her to use the whole "don't you love me anymore?" excuse to get what she wants now He may have won the battle, but he probably just lost the war.
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