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Old 2004-07-12, 21:28   Link #24
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2004
Need help plz!! with a soundtrack from Naruto episode 80

Hey guys ok well I found this mp3 of the background music from episode 80 when naruto was rememebering how he had no one and whatever, this was the time when he was on the ground immediatley after the huge fight with Garaa, and he was like crawling towards him with his chin in the dirt.... Anyhow it was named

Toshiro Masuda- Sadness and Sorrow, what I need help with is I wanted to know the name of the other 2 tracks in the same episode

1. The one right when the rain starts and the hokages funeral begins it ends after iruka finishes his memory with the hokage at the statue and hugs konohomaru (sp?)

2. The one right when Jiraiya was in the rain near the tree stump remembering about when he was tied to the stump.

If anyone knows the names to those soundtracks or maybe even a site ( im not sure if linking one is allowed if not plz don't) i'd appreciate it alot.. Thanks guys!
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