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Old 2009-08-16, 17:32   Link #42
Holy Beast ~Wuff!~
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Leeds, UK
Age: 41
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Originally Posted by OceanBlue View Post
I think he's saying that there are huge gaps between updates rather than the projects being dead.

heh. "huge gaps"?

Is that American English for "Time" ?

Maybe we should put a count down clock to time each updates, perhaps it will help show the readers how much free time it takes for each project to meet their unscheduled unquoted deadlines....on time?

I'm sure we offer the very best unpaid dollar per word/hour rates then any other novel translation group/community....or no money back guarantee! We promise!

As the Bakemonogatari novel translation project, we hope to allocate at leased 80% of our sizeable unpaid funding to this, hopefully helping to buy the best non-professional translators no money can buy!


As the not-assigned-Administrator for this project, I have no hesitation to promote this novel and hope that more readers will be interested in reading the original novel, which our friendly member Velocity7 seems to be eager to thrust into the lime light.

As stated in some of the previous topics on the anime episodes some of the dialogue were significantly edited from the scenes depicted in the script.

While the Anime does an admirable attempt to develop Senjougahara character, after reading some of the pages from the first volume, I have to say Senjougahara has a much more sharper wit, in a crucial sense she blends a hybrid of Yuki, (in the blunt nature of her remarks) The sarcasm and humour of Kyon and boldness of Haruhi. (Yes I know, I'm making quite a bias comparison, but its the only other novel I've extensively read).

While i won't quote any of the lines here, (don't want to spoil anything, or use spoiler tags, since it's not clear what is the line any more)

Sufficient to say, it does have a possibility to be a very interesting read, considering that some of the Haruhiist have been most recently disappointed with the 2nd series start of Haruhi. It might very well be in demand.

however, if I can convince our star translator, (who single handedly translated the first five volumes of Haruhi within two months!) to be interested in this series....well....

we will see if this becomes as big as Haruhi.
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