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Old 2009-08-11, 21:02   Link #99
A Priori Impossibility
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: California
Age: 33
Originally Posted by KK1412 View Post
you know something, I can honestly say that Fairy Tail will probably be the only anime with fillers that ill be looking forward to.

I love the manga and the extra chapters they have, if they have fillers without a doubt Im pretty sure they're gonna be awesome
So, I've hated Haruhi up until the end of Endless Eight; I started feeling something for her after seeing the most recent episode, which is strange because I haven't really liked the series at all. In fact, I thought the first season was quite boring and screwed up any sort of scientific/paranormal topic it touched. This is personal opinion, and I'm not trying to start up a flame war.

However, now I realize that Hirano Aya's Haruhi voice, albeit a bit higher pitched, may just be what Lucy needs. I think the only reason I consider Lucy integral to Fairy Tail is because she serves as the normal person in a lot of the gags and comedic scenes, kind of like a tsukkomi, but she also acts pretty hilarious on her own. It's strange because I can actually imagine some of Lucy's exasperated shouts with Hirano Aya's voice, although I'm still undecided as to whether or not the voice casting is correct overall. I do respect her talent, though, which makes me think it *might* work.

I think you might be right about fillers, to be honest. The guild-family atmosphere of Fairy Tail and the uniqueness of a lot of the personalities makes it potentially capable of having good fillers. In comparison, I feel like One Piece seems to have some ??? moments in which I know the characters are just being themselves, but the jokes seem to be just TOO eccentric.

Originally Posted by haruhiaholic View Post
@ kylalran:

if you want to work on the project check it out ^_^
Oh, I've heard about them. I just don't know if joining a project for this show will necessarily entitle giving my soul to the gods of anime for creating 300+ episodes of anime. If this show is going to be 50+ episodes, then I do think it has the potential to be one hell of a project (a fun one at that).
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