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Old 2009-08-03, 09:54   Link #137
I rise, you fall!
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the grass looking up at the sky
Age: 32
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Originally Posted by Renegade334 View Post
...DA? DeviantArt? I don't have a DeviantArt account if that's what the acronym means.

I used to. I'm still having timetable issues and PSing took on a backburner, so I'm afraid I'll have to pass pass. Not to mention that I upgraded to the latest Photoshop versions (CS and PE) and I'm still trying to adapt to certain changes that make it less, IMHO, easy for me to switch between certain designs, but that's just me (I find the brush manager a little less conciliating). Add that to the fact that I'm somewhat out of touch, and, well...

Anyway, I just tried a very humble comeback today - well, I didn't need a rocket scientist to tell me I had forgotten a few things about PS and to be really back in business with full ease, I'd need more practice.



Yup, my hundredth or so. The sake-sipping girl above was #99 although I omitted to update the first page's list.

On a side note, I'm quite saddened AZUpload went offline. It was such a good sig rotator service...*MULTITON SIGH*
Hope it comes back soon...however, if someone's got a good or even better alternative, well...I'm game.
They look really nice, I still can't really grasp PS and it is sometimes quite hard to come up with idea's.

Very nicely done.
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