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Old 2009-07-24, 20:29   Link #73
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by neshru View Post
I am the only who thought the last part of the episode felt really "scripted"? I really couldn't believe the answers Lawrence gave Horo after she started questioning him, it was like the scene was forcefully set up so Horo could lose her trust in Lawrence.

On another note, I couldn't help but notice how poor the animation quality was this week. Sure, It's not a big deal for this kind of show, but the festival could have looked much more impressive with some decent animation.

Horo falling off the horse that far feels scripted. It is hard to say, since we don't know exactly what was written on the letter. I assumed it was just a letter with more fairy tales about the village, but it must have been a bit worse then that.
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