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Old 2009-07-24, 06:56   Link #44
Komrades of Kitamura Kou
Join Date: Jul 2004
Age: 39
Upon watching this episode I left with the feeling of oh what the hell who am I kidding it hurt so fucking much dammit!

So immortality, is it a blessing... or a curse?

Throughout the series there's been a lot of talk between them about how long Horo's lived but we've ever really seen how she really, REALLY feels about the long life she's lived, aside from her dreams anyway. She reminisced here and there about her past experiences, people she's encountered and the wisdom and intelligence she's gained over centuries. Still we never really saw how much such a long life as really affected her as a person/god. She's always been good at evading the question.

Until today anyway, we finally get a real glimpse of what she feels having lived and outlived over many centuries.

In one outburst we see despair, sadness, anger, regret, the whole motley crew, not necessarily in that order.

Most of all, loneliness. So much so that she's willing to almost get pregnant by any person necessary just to continue her line of wolf gods and have someone who will as long as she will by her side. Without a doubt she knows her time with Lawrence is only fleeting in the years she will be alive, but I guess she's never had companionship that has lasted longer than a human life and she's tired of seeing people be born and then die before her eyes like it was a normal occurrence.

You'd think she'd be used to it by now, but by meeting Lawrence she's probably realized that immortality has its price, and with Lawrence realized immortality means being alone, something she knows deep down she can't stand. She knows Lawrence cannot possibly fill the role she so desperately seeks.

Of course he can't. He's merely human. She a god.

100/10 (No that's not a typo).
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