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Old 2009-06-30, 12:53   Link #39
Zu Ra
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Mortuary : D
Talking Down the Memory Lane

Its been ages since I have watched a wrestling broadcast may it be TNA or WWE Franchises . The good ole days of wrestling are over the NItro/Raw rivalry or the gore/madness of ECW. The only thing associated with wrestling I have watched are News broadcasts of Chris Benoit and the movie Wrestler . So yeah basically I have dropped wrestling even Samoan Joe interest me no more . I always wondered what caused this paradigm of a shift .. did I grow up ? or wrestling got less entertaining . Because as a kid I used to be crazy about wrestling and I grew up in the DX era . Recently my College Buddies dropped by and well he had some of my old stuff on H.Disk.

While browsing through my old stuff I came across an album of a band called Saliva . I dont recall being much of a fan or the band, so I browsed through the folder .. So I started listening to it and to my sunrise one song took me down the memory lane . It was called Always yup the same track which was used in a WWE Promo of an pay.per.view event . Though my memory was hazy I could remember steel cages / Eric Bischoff and Elimination chamber . So I began searching for that promo . And I found it and I was blown away by nostalgia and the awesomeness of Raw.VS.Smackdown.

I wanted to share the video The Elimination Chamber Match - Promo . IMO one of the best Promos ever made and it was bad Blood between HHH and HBK . The events that have been recapped took place in a timer period of 45-50 days . That was then now we will hardly get to see so much in a year. No wonder I lost interest in Wrestling but I miss those good old days.

Here is the PROMO ( VIEWER DISCRETION Blood Gore and GAR ) and Fun starts 50 seconds into the promo.

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