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Old 2009-06-11, 10:33   Link #78
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
If that was not the case, why has the Weyland Yutani Company tried for 400 hundred years to possess it?
First, Lulu is not greedy. Everything he needs can be obtained by Geassing humans.

Second, I have yet to see any Xenomorph not able to be killed by a human.

Seriously, likely it or not, Xenomorphs are WEAK. They are pathetically predictable animals who are no where as dangerous as a human.

Weyland Yutani Company just wanted an army that isn't regulated by the government. That's why they ended up getting killed; they never have access to what human race is fully capable of, because they always want to hide their research from the rest of the population.

Xenomorphs are amusing animals, and their biology could be used to develop new weapons like acid grenades. But humans have always been the most dangerous animals of all in the Aliens franchise.

By the way, Lulu doesn't rule by fear. Only incompetent and stupid rulers rule that way. Lulu rule by fooling people into thinking they are not doing what he wanted them to do.
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