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Old 2009-06-01, 12:56   Link #62
Crimson Reaper
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: England
Originally Posted by justavisitor View Post
Actually I kind of want to watch to kabuto, but I heard the show is so bad lol, I don't know what do you guys think of it XD
Bad? It might be because it was my first Kamen Rider show, but I rather liked Kabuto, I hear 555 is rather bad myself. But the only advise I would say is to just try Kabuto out for a few episodes and then decide to stick with it or not. Just because some people love/hate a series doesn't mean a thing since they aren't you.
I think the main reason some people hate Kabuto is because Tendou can be a bit of an asshole, which did annoy me at times I must admit. But I looked past that and enjoyed the show as a whole. I've since watched Kuuga(Loved it), Blade and the latter half of Kiva which is also okay. Of course I'm watching Decade and looking foward to the movie.
I plan on finding time to watch the other shows except Ryuki and Den-O. Ryuki because I found out the ending accidently and the nature of that ending made me think, "What's the point?" And Den-O because it's too much of a comedy relief. Don't get me wrong I like comedy in my Kamen Rider but too much is too much. Plus I hate how it's being abused as a cash cow with all the movies. Securing future show funding is fine but, ugh.
Wow, I just ranted. All I wanted to say was try watching Kabuto....oh well.
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