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Old 2004-06-20, 08:37   Link #77
Blue Dawn
Join Date: Jun 2004
Age: 44
Heh, to bring some levity to this thread again....literally just finished Kana and I'm really wondering why these style games have got to have the best storylines. The depth and connection within Kana has done what only KGNE has ever done to me, actually caused me to sit here bawling like a 3 year old....

I don't know, maybe I'm a glutton for punishment for these types of things...despite the obvious 'incest' issues with this game I'd so love to see something more come of this story...kinda like Kanon and KGNE's success. Hell, even that issue isn't overdrawn in this game as most and it doesn't seem as the wrong taboo...I find myself feeling quite odd by lessening that issue :P

Anyways, for anyone who hasn't played Kana, if you can withstand the emotional torment of it, I suggest playing it.
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