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Old 2009-05-16, 16:23   Link #38
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Originally Posted by sirn View Post
Looks like the dubbing for the drama CD and the first episode has already started, they've used roughly 9 hours in the studio for this two recordings alone. (Isn't it a bit late than usual, starting at this time?) The official site will update on June 10 with a lot of new information.

From what I understand, Shinbo's primary job is to "fix" the storyboards and control overall direction of the series. He then leaves detailed direction to the assistant director, including passing his order to other staffs. Most assistant directors (except MoonPhase's Suzuki Toshimasa) have commented about this in this month's NewType and they all are saying he's very strict when it comes to visual aspect.

Another confusing title is "Visual Director" (which is Takeuchi Nobuyuki's exclusive seat) is for designing visual settings for the series, like MoonPhase's Marumi-dō or Maria Holic's student dorm. Shinbo said 80% of Shaft's anime settings are his job.
Hmm so over all his style is more dictator like huh? I guess they use the assistant and series director to help delegate very specific tasks that Shinbou outlines.
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