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Old 2009-05-08, 19:45   Link #66
RX-78GP04G Gerbera
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Albany
Age: 38
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Well, the overall goal of 0083 was simply to establish the creation of the Titans for Zeta Gundam and they accomplished that by giving the Federation a huge reason to "need" such a group; if such a small remant group could pull off such a HUGE operation right under the noses of the Federation (most of it anyway) and STILL pull it off even with help from the inside (Cima), then what else could other remnants be capable of?

After all, there are still chunks of Zeon remnants hiding out from the OYW, just waiting for their chance to strike back at the Federation and after seeing what a group like the Delaz Fleet could do all by themselves, it'd only give them a HUGE morale boost and hope in order to push them to try similar or possibly worse acts off, so the Federation sought to nip them in the bud before they could even attempt them while also suppressing any other possible "spacenoid uprisings".

This leads to the Colony 30 incident which leads to the creation of the AEUG, which leads to the events of Zeta Gundam. This then helps lead into ZZ Gundam and Char's Counterattack given Axis/Neo Zeon soldiers are comprised quite a bit of former OYW Zeon soldiers as well as new recruits that believe in their cause and whatnot and this even further extends into the (officially non-canon unless animations are made) events of the Mars Zeon/Oldsmobile Army uprising during the Gundam F90 manga and the Mobile Suit Gundam F91: Formula Wars 0122 section.
"I'll show you that a superior mobile suit has its limits when it goes up against a superior pilot!" - Char Aznable, The Red Comet
"Come on! I don't feel like losing!" - Johnny Ridden, The Crimson Lightning
"Hatred is the root of all war! That's common sense, boy!" - Anavel Gato, The Nightmare of Solomon
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