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Old 2004-06-08, 10:59   Link #25
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Location: God forsaken middle of nowhere, Texas
Originally Posted by zalas
I don't think they have the money to convince TYPE-MOON to license the game translation to them, and frankly, Tsukihime isn't the easiest thing to translate well...
None of the story driven games are easy, the amount of text in these games is just staggering. When you look at the amount of dialogue for each character, add all the possible plot branches and decision points, then multiply that by the number of main characters..... well its amazing that any of them get translated.

But if they can translate some of the other very complex titles, I dont think that it would be that hard to add Tsukihime to the list. I imagine its more of liscensing issue than anything else.

Honestly though, I do think that ero/bishoju games are in the same situation anime was a decade ago. There is a small group of afficanados driving the market, and not enough demand to warrant bigger companies from getting involved. I imagine as the anime derived from these games gets popular, and folkf find out about the game titles, then the interest level will increase as well. Look at how many folks talk about the KGNE game.
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