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Old 2009-03-24, 08:03   Link #96
Sinfully Naomi
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But people put spoilers like:

Spoiler for For Sakura:

If people took the time to specify then maybe we would be in a different boat here. -.-

And still, maybe you(meaning whomever looks at the spoiler tags, or whatever) should exercise some self-control. It's not that hard, even if there is a hint of something major that may be spoiled you shouldn't look. You can't blame the spoiler tag on your own curiousity.

People tend to not think when they click, they just become maniacs on the mouse and then want to whine and complain about it later on. Do people even think of reprecusions anymore, is what I wonder, because if they did then this wouldn't be the case right now. The only thing I cold think of would be for people to properly label their spoilers. Then again, only about 3% of the forum members even look here, so there's really no point if no one will read about it, sadly. =/
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