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Old 2009-03-24, 02:17   Link #94
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
Simply putting it in a spoiler tag is insufficient... basically, if only many people weren't bleeding idiots about how they label their spoiler tags - a lot of unnecessary pain could be avoided.
Amen to this. One of the main reasons we have such a "harsh" spoiler tag policy is because people, in general, seem to really really suck at labeling. I feel like we're lucky if we get something like Vexx's example (at least it says something about "manga" there...)

The issue is that there are actually multiple degrees of severity when it comes to spoilers, but a policy that tries to get people to "judge how bad it is" is never going to work, because everyone has different opinions. If everyone would label their spoilers carefully so that people could understand the severity of the spoiler before they clicked the button, that would help, but as was said above, people don't seem to understand how to label well either. So, instead, we had to simplify it to what basically amounts to a "checklist" of factors that determines if something is or isn't okay based on the concept of "on-topic". It takes the ambiguity out of the equation (as much as possible) and redirects people who want to discuss source material to the threads where it's safe. I don't think that anyone pretends it's an ideal arrangement that works well in every situation, but it seems to generally keep things orderly.
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