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Old 2009-02-16, 03:17   Link #31
ANBU Editor/QC
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Rizon IRC Network, Saizen Discord Server
Originally Posted by getfresh View Post
lol, at a certain point I just started drinking ^^;

Also I couldn't really blame them for being misinformed as to the way things really are since the majority of information on fansubbing has been written up by ppl who have no clue about it themselves. It will take time to clear up the misconceptions people have but the only way we can do so is by being diligent and not flipping out on them as we attempt to get our point across since that will close their minds further.
Considering that this was an abridged gmail-based discussion, I'd say you managed well. They had the freedom to edit it anyway they wanted to afterwards. And you're right about misconceptions. It's going to take more than just adlib interviews from you and Tofu for the folks in the industry to fully grasp what goes on down here. I think that for anyone who speaks with them, keeping it civil and providing different yet consistent perspectives is the least we can do.
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