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Old 2009-02-09, 16:04   Link #54
Join Date: Apr 2003
I think the biggest reason barely any discussion happens on IRC anymore, is that the population is just fragmented over so many channels on so many networks now. And to a lesser extent, that most people use torrents now instead of DCC bots.

For example: Back in 2001 there were only like 5-6 groups total releasing digitally, so it grouped everyone in the same place, and IRC was basically the only place to get newly released episodes. Bit Torrent didn't exist yet, few anime forums existed, and bandwidth was sparse so web downloads were nearly zero.

I remember having 3000 people in the channel on a release night, and trying to moderate the channel to prevent the bots from being flooded off was a nightmare. Can you imagine if we still had to use IRC as the primary distro method? Trying to cram 100k+ people into a channel for a Naruto release or something? =D
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