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Old 2009-02-08, 06:15   Link #45
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
Originally Posted by checkers View Post
I don't understand: you say IRC allows zero-delay communications, so therefore it is wrong to use it for slow communication?
I don't think there is a set right or wrong way to use it, rather an 'ideal' way perhaps?
It was as npcomplete was saying, sometimes he feels the need to reply fast (so do I, tbh) because it is a form of instant messaging, but there are plenty of fansubbers who are more than happy to have email/forum like slow replies and communication over IRC.
To each their own, I guess.
What I do find difficult somedays is to pop into a fansub channel where you want to contact an OP about some issue on the website. (Or ask a question that the FAQ doesn't answer)
Can't PM an OP, most will ban you.
Drop a message in the channel, chances are that no one answers at all and if they do hours later, it's usually lost within a sea of server messages and other random chat, and an OP won't pm you either.
Things like that somedays make me think IRC's pretty useless, (may as well send an email) but it's more the behaviour and personal choice of each group and their members than the media itself.

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