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Old 2009-02-08, 04:30   Link #38
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
Well at least when they're offline... they're offline. We'd need to find alternative ways to track someone down.
But to have someone "online" and not reply over days, somedays weeks I find pisses me off a hell of a lot faster. Times like that I feel like kicking them off Rizon or something xD
(If you're not gonna be at least semi active, then get the hell off the server! /end rant kinda thing, lol)
But yeah, depends on the ways people use/communicate on IRC, the same could be said for staff-room dynamics.
Some groups will happily chat about everyday life stuff on top of fansubbing and generally have a good time.
Others will just speak to say;
'timing done, script uploaded'
And then bugger off completely... but of course their name is 'there', they just will rarely reply or if it's fairly urgent, you'll still hear nothing for a while.
And so on, zero interaction with your teammates or anything, a morgue is probably more active than some channels i think somedays.

(To post below, i'll just add here)
Glad I'm not an OP? Somedays I think so too, cause I'd prob k/b other ops who 'troll' the leechers by kicking regular peeps for no damn good reason other than 'i was bored, I got power, I'm immature, let's go kick a few peeps who haven't broken any of the rules stated on the website'
- Things like that seriously irk me, I'm told it's 'typical IRC behaviour', I can then turn around and go 'great, I can place you in the 'typical IRC idiot' group then'
Funny how it's usually males aged 18-24 or so who tell me that often... -.-

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. - Van Wilder
"If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'." - Carlos Mencia

Last edited by Mystique; 2009-02-08 at 04:41.
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