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Old 2009-02-03, 04:18   Link #4
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Originally Posted by Toua View Post
Honestly, the whole thing irritated me to no end. Getfresh's arguments were all over the place, as always. I mean, you can't talk about the mainstream if you don't know how to define it. You can't talk about fansubber's goals if you don't know what that actually is. He wanted to rationalize what he's doing so badly, but couldn't find the right words. What's wrong with saying that you're catering to an existing fanbase that probably cares more for anime than your typical Adultswim watcher? And most of all, Naruto fansubs aren't fansubs at all, they're stream rips, and guess what, debatable but, there's a place for them as well!

True. I was saying the exact same thing. His argument would have been more solid and he would have just sounded better, if he had jus told the flat out truth. The whole mainstream thing was kinda hard to purchase.
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