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Old 2009-01-30, 09:53   Link #124
Sleepy Lurker
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Nun'yabiznehz
Age: 38
Originally Posted by AtomicoX View Post
I usually try to keep my posts constructive, but I can't say anything else than that this sig is one of the most glorious and wonderful I've seen. Perfect metallic feeling, perfect composition, perfect text, perfect render.
I don't know how you create such, I don't know, quality and smoothness over everything in it.
If I would say anything negative, it's only the flare to the lower left that looks a bit stock. But that's being very picky.
No, it's actually a very pertinent bit of criticism you offered there - it indeed looks a bit bad, but back then, the left area felt actually quite...empty, which is what prompted me to use a flare, not only to fill the negative space but also to have the render's particular lighting dovetail with the dark-bright surroundings.

So, in a way, it's like falling from Charybdis into Scylla.
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