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Old 2009-01-29, 15:46   Link #121
Sleepy Lurker
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Nun'yabiznehz
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Marina View Post
Hehe, I noticed your render in the banner entry thread and thought...."huh....I remember those as a couple of sigs..." Nice work on it by the way, I see you playing with your lovely brushes as usual >.<

I've always loved your style and was curious if you had time for a request! I know from your entry that you can't make deadline promises, and I'm totally ok with that. I have renders in mind and if you're interested, just let me know
In the mean while, I'm digging your valkyrie sig, is it available for use?
Ha - caught red-handed, indeed, and not even sorry about it! I did mention it in the 2009 Banner Contest thread, though, as I wasn't certain the sig's patched-together nature would allow it to make the cut, as the theme was 'friendship' and/or 'family'. That's what you get for being really picky about your renders/scans and suddenly realizing you're left with little to nothing that even remotely fits the picture. So I made due with what I had. Frankenstein would be proud of my stitching skills. *Demonic laugh*

For requests...why not? I'm a bit busy with RL at the moment but if I could make some headway and thereby get a breather, I wouldn't mind giving them a shot.

And, sure, nobody's asked for it yet, so, if you so desire, you can claim it.

Whoaaa...this one...mmh. How should I explain it? Well, as I do make a lots of experiments, fine-tuning, distracted fiddling and whatnot, I sometimes tend to make a lot of derivatives of a same product or design - only to stick with whatever looks or feels best.

So, well...I already had an idea in mind for this one, but it sort of branched into multiple variants, be it cropped or with additions. So here goes:

1. - Sea only.
2. - #1 + stone walls and foliage.
3. - #2 + hue.
4. - #2 + stylish sofa/curved wall.
5. - #4 + hue.
6. - #5 cropped.
7. - #5 cropped.

Oh, and, as always - BGs are created from scratch: one layer for the sky and clouds and another for the sea and waves. No sampling or ripping whatsoever.

And a cookie of gratitude for y'all who commented - the original scan!

<< -- Click to enter my (dead) GFX thread.

Last edited by Renegade334; 2009-01-31 at 02:43.
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