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Old 2009-01-25, 19:22   Link #26
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
Originally Posted by kurorin View Post
Doesn't that sound what you guys call 'a troll'
Comments written to purposely rile people?
(Surprised all following just didn't get deleted)
I'd not limit it purely to fansubbers, rather just a random bunch of testosterone (for most part) who gain a little power (OPs) and have to 'flex' their muscles for 'fun' (Because kicking people regardless of rules being broken of not is all they can come up with) but leechers spout out random crap (bored teens), flood channels (trolls) or try to annoy, bug others with insults (more trolls), or jump in everyone's convos imparting their 'words of wisdom' (attention whores).

After all of that, the few sincere minority back away and the arrogant asses are left to play.
(just spent 3 days in the taka channel which is fairly active, but man, i could see why the OPs would lose it somedays, although on their side some are just as bad as some of the leechers for abusing their power, 'just cause' they can do it.)

To have an active channel can be hard work to moderate, since more and more appeal to the 'anon' factor and become asses deliberately even if they are 'decent' people offline. That usually ends up with short tempered OPs and slighted leechers, but the arrogance works both ways.

@ Dark Shikari:
I pointed that out, but my post was deleted for being "useless". (Apparently trolls are more useful than calling out trolls?)
ah i see, well it certainly has seemed to provoke of a few of us fansubbers into replying tho

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Last edited by NightWish; 2009-01-26 at 02:39.
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