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Old 2008-12-27, 01:47   Link #84
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by KholdStare View Post
Well it could be count as a rant since I best describe it as an annoyed observation, but maybe I should have made myself more clear. But then again, I'm only speaking in theory. I don't know if people have been receiving false spoiler infractions, but I sure haven't because I put anything that I doubt in spoiler tags. When I talk about ending things, I was just referring to how the spoiler policy, from my point of view, seems to sway every few months. I guess in a way I was trying to give advice, which is to put whatever you doubt in spoiler tags, unless that somehow becomes discouraged too.
Well, the real problem is this. Sometimes you'll go through a thread and people are discussing minor spoiler issues (like latest raws, source comparisons, etc.) and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, someone will post some massive future event spoiler under spoiler tags thinking they're doing the right thing ("well, it's a spoiler, so it's under spoiler tags, right?"). That's the reason some people are strongly against the over-use of spoiler tags, and I sort of agree with that. Really, though, the solution to this issue is making sure your spoiler tags are very clearly labeled. Plus, people familiar with the source material need to remember that, no matter how tempting, you're not doing people any favours by giving major future plot points away or answering their hypothetical questions.

In the end, the main thing is to be considerate of others. If everyone just did that, the policy wouldn't need enforcement.
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