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Old 2008-12-27, 00:14   Link #79
books-eater youkai
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Betweem wisdom and insanity
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
Well, I would say the guideline is as follows: You're not allowed to use spoiler tags in your signature (or, for obvious reasons, for your avatar). So, you're not allowed to put anything that would usually have to be behind spoiler tags in those places.

My suggestion is that you try to avoid things that would be blatant spoilers in any case, because not everyone who reads your posts would be familiar with the material in question, and unless you only ever post in that one thread/section, you may spoil people unintentionally (keep in mind that your avatar appears in every post retroactively). That being said, you should apply common sense here too -- someone could try to argue that showing any scene from any manga/anime could be considered a spoiler to people who haven't read/seen that property yet, but it really comes down to how bad it would be if that scene was given away.

All that to say, don't seriously spoil people in your avatar or signature. If it's a serious spoiler -- serious enough that it'd normally need spoiler tags -- then don't. You can always PM a mod with a specific example if you're not sure (but please don't abuse that privilege either).
Could be a quotation be considered as a spoiler?
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