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Old 2008-10-20, 11:30   Link #67
Join Date: Sep 2007
Age: 37
I recently formatted by MBP and the problem i talked about is still happening. After watching many files when i quit mplayer os x, it takes a while until it closes. sometimes even the animations from the system are "disabled" and it looks like the finder and dock just crashed. Sometimes it takes about a minute, others 2, and other times it's like 30 seconds.

I would post something from the console but there isn't anything that i could say that's causing the problem. the only thing that appears is the close file timestamp and exit timestamp, no errors, warning, nothing!

And i'm curious about one thing...

The "older" version of the mplayer os x, mantained by andiyar and Nonezumi, Mplayer would extract the font's from MKV's to a folder under ~/.mplayer/fonts.

I would clean that folder from time to time to fix a problem with some fonts that would appear vertically instead of horizontally. I've noticed that this folder doesn't exist on my system. I'm having some problems with the first episode of kamen no maid guy from TK-Y.

What's strange is, that it's only the first episode that has this problem. i had this problem with Itazura na kiss from m33w but did the steps above and fixed my problem.

Does any one have an idea about this ?

PS: i'll post screenshots ASAP

As you can see, the subtitles are displayed wrong, but i haven't found another file that is doing this. Works fine on windows, but i've just checked before posting the update, that VLC does the same as mplayer os x.

I'm going to cleanup my font cache with Onyx and i'll update this post soon

Last edited by sk3; 2008-10-20 at 11:47. Reason: posted screenshot
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